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First Baptist Mission Statement

As friends and followers of Jesus Christ, we are committed to:

Growing our friendship with Christ and one another through worship, prayer, study, partnership and service.

Reaching out to others in our community with the living, and joy-giving message of Christ.

Training those in this congregation for ministry and leadership in the church and the world.


About Our Logo

The FBCS logo represents our vision of life together. This “signature” of the First Baptist Church of Springfield speaks of who we are, gives shape to our shared life, and answers the question: How do we love God wholly and love our neighbor?  In the center circle, the cross of Christ is prominently displayed. This arrangement, which echoes the motif of the American Baptist Churches USA symbol, emphasizes the Christ-centered nature of this community of disciples. As friends and followers of Jesus Christ, we proclaim that it is Christ who calls us into being and Christ who holds us together. Our life together – all that we are and everything we do – revolves around Jesus, our Savior and Lord.  


The outer ring portrays the way we carry out the loving, life-giving, disciple-making mission of First Baptist Church.  Growing Together underscores our commitment to love each other by nurturing spiritual growth through the mutual practice of such lifestyle choices as worship, prayer, study, service and partnership.  Reaching Out highlights our dedication to sharing the love of God, the light of Christ, and the life of the Spirit with our neighbors; serving them and loving them into full participation in The Way of Christ and His Church.  Training Leaders draws our attention to the fact that our mission does not end with growing and reaching. Ultimately, the love we share is about training spiritual leaders who are devoted to a life of growing together, reaching out and training leaders who in turn grow, reach and train… and so it goes as the outer ring revolves around the center.  


We have in this logo an excellent portrayal of our mission and an effective tool for conveying to others who we are, how we love, AND how Christ would have all people live life together. This said and understood… let’s let folks see how we love and welcome all people into The Way of Christ’s abundant life!

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