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Youth Services
Join us for Ignite!

We want to help students grow an authentic relationship with Jesus that includes their own personal growth and impacting the places we exist in a positive way.

What is Ignite?

Ignite is a youth ministry for 6-12 graders! Join us Sundays as we spend time in worship, prayer, and walking through messages.

When is Ignite?

Ignite gathers Sunday morning before service  9:30-10:25am. We eat snacks, hear stories, play games, craft and worship together. 

Cookie Time 10:30-11 Sunday. Youth are invited to volunteer to help with the coffee time. Setting up, serving and helping to clean up allows them time to engage with the congregation

On the 2nd & 4th Sundays of each month Ignite leaves worship during the sermon and heads to the classroom for a deep dive study on the same topic covered in the service.

Who can attend Ignite?

Ignite is open to anyone, 6th -12 grade! We love bridging the gap between generations, and learning from each other.

I'm interested in Ignite, but I'm not sure I believe in Jesus yet.

Great! We'd love to get to know you and live life with you! We're here to answer any of your questions and help you along this journey we call life. Ultimately, we would love if you were able to come to know the incredible love and freedom that Jesus gives but being saved by Him is not something required for you to attend.


What about littles?

FBCS loves littles! We have a Pray-Ground for our younger visitors and members to play in during worship services. 

And Babies?

Our bathroom has a diaper change station fully stocked with supplies, please help yourself to anything you may need. We also have a quiet room set up with audio you may utilize during service, though it is not necessary for you to use, we love baby sounds!

What’s a Pray-Ground?

The FBCS Pray-Ground was introduced in response to shifts in today’s church culture:

  • Parents want to have their young children in worship with them

  • Parents don’t want to leave their child in a church nursery with a “stranger”

  • Congregations don’t have enough children to sustain a Sunday School program

FBCS’s Pray-Ground is a designated place in the back left side of the sanctuary where younger children can experience worship through age-appropriate worship materials and tools that will help keep them engaged in what is happening. 

Upcoming Events

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What is that Jewish Holiday?!?!
This fall Ignite will be exploring some traditional Jewish Holidays celebrated by Jesus when He was a child and the Jewish people in the Old Testament. And did someone say food? We will take a look at traditional foods, along with prayers, and the culture surrounding these holidays. 

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